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July 28, 2023

Astroid City

I really wanted to love this, but I just didn’t. It was good. But it wasn’t great. It’s probably my second to least favorite Wes Anderson film at this point, right after The French Dispatch. To be fair, I need to give both of those a rewatch, having only seen them once, and all the other ones at least a handful of times, if not much more. There were a whole lot of fun and funny moments, and I really loved the aesthetics of the whole thing, but I could’ve done without the “behind the scenes” parts. I think if they would’ve just stuck to the main story, as if it were the whole story, I would’ve liked it more. Adding the different layers just didn’t do anything for me. Overall, good, worth seeing, and I’ll definitely watch it again, but I was a underwhelmed.


I dug it. It’s not exciting or action-packed or anything, but it’s a cool story. The acting is great, it’s got some great emotional moments, and some pretty funny scenes. It’s not something I’ll go back and watch again, but I liked learning the backstory of how Jordan and Nike partnered up. 


I’d never seen this. I have no idea why. It’s WEIRD. But I kinda loved it. It doesn’t feel like an 80’s movie, at least as far as the subject matter goes. I’m not sure why I think the strangeness of it all seems more like something that would be made now-a-days, but it just does. It’s so strange and funny and dark and surreal. I really did think it was pretty awesome. 

Howard the Duck

This is another one I’d never seen so I thought I should give it a shot. It’s wild. I genuinely don’t know who this movie is for. It’s got a very cheesy, cartoony looking main character. And is rated PG (somehow). But it’s a VERY sexual movie. It’s pretty much adult themed throughout. It’s just plain weird. But also so silly. I can totally understand why it tanked. I don’t think anyone really knew what they were making. I’m glad it exists, because it was quite a fun/funny watch, but not because it’s a good movie.


I loved it. It’s very silly and weird, genuinely funny, but also thought-provoking and emotional. It’s a feat, really. I went in thinking I’d probably enjoy myself, but I honestly can’t wait to see it again. About halfway through the movie, I really had to pee, and I just kept putting it off and getting more and more uncomfortable because I didn’t want to miss even 2 minutes of the movie. I was that invested. Impressive.

They Cloned Tyron

I liked this overall. My only real complaint is that it just felt really slow. I liked the look of it, the acting, the story. It was all top-notch, but I just kept wanting everything to move along. I’d definitely recommend it, though. 

The Out-Laws

Is this movie a game changer? No. Did I enjoy it? Yep, sure did. It’s mostly just silly (Adam DeVine is great at being silly), but it’s also kind of a heist movie, which is kinda cool. I’m pretty sure this is the only movie I’ve ever seen (ever made?) that has a car chase scene through a cemetery. So, if that sounds exciting to you, check it out! Yeah, it’s a fun movie.

Sidewalk Tech Check
Along with watching over 100 short films (so far), I’ve watched these five full-length features. They’re all great and worth checking out during the fest (August 25-57). 

Crows Are White

I’ll be honest, the first maybe 1/4 of this movie, I thought it was going to be a complete dud. I just wasn’t into it. By the end, I was fully invested. It’s an interesting story about a Muslim guy who isn’t religious at all, but kinda wants to be? So he decided to interview some monks about their faith. A lot more goes on than that, but it turned out to be a really emotional and inspirational movie. 

Space Happy

This is a doc about Phil Thomas Katt. You may not know that name, but I bet you know some of the stuff he’s done. He’s known for making really low-budget music videos (and a lot more). This is a really fun movie. It’s about his process, and drive, and friendships. It’s just a fun, happy, interesting doc. I loved it.


This is a well done doc about Fred Shuttleworth and the civil right movement. It was quite eye-opening and inspiring. The thing that stuck with me the most was the plan he and other leaders had to eliminate poverty in the United States, without touching the precious defense budget. And how those in charge just said “nah.” Wild. Really great movie, especially if you’re from Birmingham.


A doc about a pretty obscure folk artist. The story is wild and his art is really interesting. He’s a Jewish man who guarded Nazis while they awaiting trial for their crimes. His art comes mostly from his memories of his time as a soldier. It’s a very interesting and emotional movie. I really, really enjoyed it.

Another Body

A doc that follows a girl who’s face was used to make deepfake pornography. It follows her finding out, finding out it’s happening to other friends of hers, and ultimately who’s been doing it. It’s very eye-opening about how easy this stuff is to do, and how prevalent it is. And how it’s mostly legal as of now. It’s wild. And sad. And enlightening. Hard to watch at times, but worth seeing.


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