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I love being in the mob.

June 4, 2008

Mob Wars is a Facebook application.

It’s a little fun, and a lot addictive.

The gist is… you’re a mob boss, and you have to do jobs, fight people, and try to make lots of money. With the money you can buy more weapons, cars, and property. The property you have makes you more money. The weapons and cars help you fight better and do better jobs so you can make more money. Now that I’m typing this, I guess the whole point is money, which is weird, because I never have any in the game. Whatever.

You also need to get your mob bigger and bigger. You do this by getting your Facebook friends to join your mob. By doing this they also start their own mob, and you are in theirs. The more mob members, the better you fight and bigger jobs you can pull. Fun, right?

So… if you have Facebook and need yet another distraction in your day, join Mob Wars, and we can be in each other’s mobs. Come on, just do it.


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  1. amymezzell permalink
    June 4, 2008 10:21 am

    I love Mob Wars! It’s the best application ever.

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